
In compliance with federal and New York State regulations and University policies, Alfred University has established 令人满意的学业进展 standards for financial aid. You must meet these standards to be eligible to receive federal, 国家或大学的财政援助款项.

I. 学业进展满意(SAP) Requirements for Federal and University 金融援助 项目

To be eligible to receive financial assistance under any federal or University scholarship, 格兰特, 贷款, 或者工作计划, students must demonstrate minimum qualitative and quantitative academic measurement standards. 用于衡量令人满意的学业进展的定性和定量标准是累积的,涵盖所有入学期间, including periods of enrollment during which the student did not receive federal or University aid.

A. 定性测量

The qualitative measurement standard is expressed as a minimum cumulative grade point average (CUM/GPA), which must be demonstrated prior to each semester of enrollment. The following chart illustrates the minimum CUM/GPA requirement:

定性测量 Attendance Semester GPA
出勤学期 最小和/绩点
1 0
2 1
3 1.5
4 1.75
5个或更多 2.0

B. 定量测定

The quantitative measurement standard has two concepts: a maximum time frame in which the student is expected to finish a degree program; and a comparison of the number of credit hours the student attempted with the number of credit hours the student successfully completed to determine whether the student is progressing at a rate which will allow the student to finish the program within the maximum time frame. This is referred to as the minimum completion ratio.


学生预计完成学士学位课程的最长时间框架定义为该课程公布长度的150%, 根据在线赌博目录, 以尝试学时计算. 例如, the College of Liberal 艺术 and Sciences requires 124 credit hours to complete a degree. 因此, 文科学生可能有资格获得资助的最长时间框架是学生尝试186学时(124 X 1)的期间.5 = 186).


学生必须成功完成证明SAP的尝试学分的百分比是最低完成比例. For all undergraduate degree programs at Alfred University, this percentage is 67%. 最低完成比率由毕业所需的课程学时除以最大时间框架学时确定.

The application of the completion ratio is cumulative. 因此, a student must successfully complete 67% of all credit hours attempted to demonstrate SAP for federal and University aid. 例如, if a student attempted 60 credit hours during the first four semesters of enrollment, 该学生将需要证明至少40成功完成学分,以满足SAP最低完成率要求(60 X) .67 = 40.2).

C. 评估周期和测量频率

The review of a student's SAP is done annually at the end of each semester, 在最终成绩由注册主任公布后. 所有学生都要接受审查,无论学生的入学状况或学年期间参加的学期数量.

D. 累积平均绩点(CUM/GPA)

CUM/GPA是由大学注册处确定并记录在学生在线赌博官方学术记录上的CUM/GPA. 在其他机构获得的转学分成绩不被视为决定学生的在线赌博CUM/GPA或SAP CUM/GPA要求.

E. 尝试学时

就SAP而言, 一个学分被认为是尝试过的,除非学生的学习成绩显示课程学分的以下等级指定之一, AU, 或者. Classes/courses which carry a designation of 0 credit hours are not considered attempted credits. Transfer credits are also considered attempted credits. 参见下面的G,“转换学时”."

F. 学时

A credit is considered successfully completed and earned if the student's academic record demonstrates a P, 或者A到D的学分. Classes/courses which carry a designation of 0 credit hours are not considered earned credits. Transfer credits are also considered earned credits. 参见下面的G,“转换学时”."

G. 转换学时

在SAP定量测量标准中,转入在线赌博的学分被视为尝试学分和获得学分, 最大时间框架和最小完成率.

H. Failure to Demonstrate Satisfactory Academic Progress




Students determined to be ineligible for Federal Title IV and University aid programs have the right to appeal. Appeals must represent extenuating circumstances which occurred to cause the student to fail achieving SAP. Appeals must be made in writing (a letter or email), 作者:学生, 在通知学生缺乏SAP的信函日期起15天内提交给经济援助主任, 并有适当的文档支持. Appeal decisions are made by the director of financial aid.

所有申诉必须包括一份学术计划, 如果之后, will ensure the student is able to meet SAP standards within one or two semesters of additional attendance. 学术计划必须得到学生所在学院/学院院长的批准,并确定学生在学术计划期间和每学期结束时需要满足的具体行动和学术表现标准.

为学生提供具体的, 上诉信的详细指导, 允许的上诉情况, and academic plans when notified of SAP noncompliance.


如果学生的上诉被批准, the student will be placed on financial aid probation for the next semester attended. Students may receive aid payment during probation. 在试用期结束时, 学生必须满足所有SAP标准和/或他们的学术计划要求,才有资格在下个学期继续获得助学金.

I. 恢复援助资格


II. 纽约州进步标准

New York State has established academic progress standards for the 学费 Assistance Program (TAP), 国家奖学金, 以及其他国家援助项目. 对纽约州来说, the student is subject to three progress standards: 项目的追求, 令人满意的学业进展, 平均成绩要求为C.

A. 项目的追求

Program pursuit is defined as receiving a passing or failing grade, in a certain percentage of a full-time course load, in each semester for which a State aid award is received to be eligible for the next semester's payment. 该百分比从第一年每学期最低全日制课程负荷(12学分)的50%开始增加, to 75% of the minimum full-time course load in each semester of study in the second year for which an award is received, to 100% of the minimum full-time course load in each semester thereafter.

The following chart illustrates the 项目的追求 requirements for New York State aid. 该图表根据学生收到的国家助学金的累计数目,定义了学生在收到国家助学金的学期内必须完成的学时数.

收到的国家援助款项数目 最少学时
1 6
2 6
3 9
4 9
5岁及以上 12

对于程序追求, a credit hour is considered completed if the student received an A through F, Z, P或I级.

B. 学业进展满意(SAP)

纽约州令人满意的学业进展衡量标准定义了获得州奖学金的每个学期必须达到的最低学分数和最低CUM/GPA. The following chart illustrates these standards. 如果学生的学习成绩达到P或A到D,则该学分被认为是成功完成和获得的.

在认证此付款号码之前 A student must have earned at least this many credits (*) 达到最低平均分/平均分(*)
1st 0 (0) 0 (0)
2nd 6 (3) 1.5 (1.1)
3rd 15 (9) 1.8 (1.2)
4th 27 (21) 1.8 (1.3)
5th 39 (33) 2.0 (2.0)
6th 51 (45) 2.0 (2.0)
7th 66 (60) 2.0 (2.0)
8th 81 (75) 2.0 (2.0)
9th* 96 (90) 2.0 (2.0)
10th* 111 (105) 2.0 (2.0)


C. C平均要求

获得相当于四个学期纽约州资助的学生助学金的学生必须有最低的CUM/GPA为2.0 to be eligible for subsequent State aid payments.

D. 评估周期和测量频率

纽约州的SAP和项目追求标准在学生获得国家资助的每个学期结束时进行衡量. The C average requirement must be met for all semesters after receiving four semesters or more of State aid payments.

E. 恢复纽约州援助

Students who have lost good academic standing and payment eligibility under the New York State SAP, 项目的追求, or C average requirements may regain eligibility in one of the following ways:

  1. Make up the academic deficiencies without the benefit of New York State aid.
  2. Be readmitted to the University after an absence of at least one calendar year. This provision of the State aid regulations does not apply to the C average requirement.
  3. Transfer to another institution where the student must meet that institution's admission requirements.
  4. 要求豁免SAP的上诉, 项目的追求, or C average requirement based on extenuating circumstances. 上诉程序将收到通知,告知学生没有达到纽约州援助的良好学术成绩.

纽约州援助条例规定,学生只能获得一次SAP和项目追求要求的情有可依的情况豁免. An extenuating circumstance waiver of the C average requirement may be 格兰特ed more than once. Financial aid probation is not permitted for New York State aid programs.