Alfred University News


在线赌博的两名教员陪同九名学生去西班牙旅行, where they learned how culture, economics, 政治影响着马德里和巴塞罗那等主要城市的营销策略.

这次旅行是Shelly Freyn教授的“民族主义与国际营销”短期海外学习课程的一部分, 在线赌博商学院市场营销学副教授. Freyn and Kerry Kautzman, professor of Spanish, 陪同5名市场营销学生和3名艺术学生, held May 13-23.

“前往西班牙学习国际市场营销为学生提供了一个独特的机会,让他们了解文化和艺术元素如何影响市场动态,” Freyn said. “这次旅行让学生们有能力看到西班牙多样化的传统和充满活力的艺术场景如何丰富一个人对全球营销的看法.”

艾尔弗雷德的学生们在沉浸在影响成功产品活动背后决策的文化和历史背景之后,起草并提出了营销方案,以获得反馈,” Kautzman added. “这一专业发展经历表明,在线赌博的学生已准备好参与全球竞争.”

参加这次旅行的学生是市场营销专业的学生Brian Ngatunga, Sienna Cefalu, and Mairin Marchione, and Andrew Davis, who each graduated from Alfred University in May; and Natalee Marchione, who will be a senior in the fall; Natalee Collins, a sophomore-to-be; art students Morgan Wise and Shayna Hettler, who will both be sophomores in the fall; and Ellie Gamble, ’23 (B.F.A.), a current MBA student.

学生们在马德里和巴塞罗那的广告办公室体验了真实世界的国际营销挑战, 运用他们的营销知识,并在西班牙进行的实际营销项目中获得有价值的反馈. They were split into two teams, provided a creative brief of a past project, and were given 30 minutes to build a marketing campaign concept. They received feedback from Ester Heredia, general manager of the Madrid office, on a PlayStation campaign at Christmas, and Kelya Ramírez, general manager of the Barcelona office, on Miravia (the Alibaba ecommerce group) for summer sales.

Frank Hendricks, director of Podoactiva, 为西班牙国家足球队提供智能技术运动装备的供应商, 他解释了西班牙著名足球队巴塞罗那和皇家马德里的市场营销. 这次演讲让我们深入了解了西班牙人对足球的痴迷,以及巴塞罗那足球俱乐部和皇家马德里足球俱乐部之间的持续竞争比足球运动本身要深刻得多. Hendricks discussed the historical and political roots of the teams, offering a clearer and insightful perspective of the game.

学生们参观了两个国家的议会:在马德里与国会议员Pablo Hispán和记者Julio Somoano Rodríguez, and in Barcelona with Guillem Muntané Jiménez, protocol representative. 学生们了解了西班牙政府的历史和制度. Blanca Camino, economist and tax inspector of the Spanish tax agency, provided insight into central state, autonomous region, and local municipal taxes.

The group spent an afternoon with Miguel Sebastián Gascón, economist and ex-Minister of Industry, Tourism, and Commerce for Prime Minister Zapatero, learning about the branding of Spain as an international product. 演讲中一个值得注意的话题是西班牙在增加旅游收入方面面临的挑战. He explained, for example, that typically Europeans enjoy beaches, Chinese like shopping, and Americans prefer experiences and culture.

A visit to Alcalá de Henares, a smaller city outside of Madrid, provided students a more nostalgic cultural experience. Arriving mid-afternoon, they observed small retail shops, predominantly Spanish brand advertisements and minimal U.S./global brand advertising. The city appeared desolate at first but came alive a few hours later; the students experienced a true Spanish siesta and enjoyed a variety of Tapas.

学生们对这三个西班牙城市的市场营销和品牌推广进行了评估,并观察到许多美国城市在营销方式上的细微差异.S. and global brands are marketed there.

The group visited museums (Prado, Picasso), cathedrals (Sagrada Familia), United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) heritage sites, and historical sites (Park Guell).

Ngatunga, who earned a degree in marketing in May, 他说这次旅行很有价值,因为他和同学们直接从另一个国家的营销专业人士那里学到了东西.

“Education has no geographical boundaries. I had never been to Europe, and this study abroad program in Spain was a great introduction,” Ngatunga commented. “从教育的角度来看,这次旅行很有价值,因为我们从当地人那里学到了东西. Rather than just researching on our own, 我们与当地不同领域的专家进行了一对一的交流. 如果不是本地驱动,学习经历将会非常不同.”

Ngatunga, a native of Tanzania, Africa, 他说,从学习不同于他自己的文化和他在美国学习时所经历的文化的角度来看,这次旅行也很愉快.

“不像在美国,我很容易被认定为国际学生, this program put each of us in the same boat, as internationals. 我们必须找到导航和适应不熟悉的文化和环境的方法,成为生态系统的一部分,” he explained. “For example, we were introduced to the tapas cuisine serving, which is common in bars and restaurants in both Madrid and Barcelona, where small plates or servings of appetizers, snacks, or savory dishes are served. 这是一次尝试新食物和食物分享文化的绝佳经历. And the food was amazing!”

这次旅行反映了商学院通过为学生提供跨学科学习机会来创造交叉点的集中努力. The trip Freyn organized to Spain, for example, 包括商科和艺术系学生,他们学习营销实践和西班牙文化. Similarly, the College organizes an annual trip to Germany, where students from different academic disciplines—business, art, 历史-了解德国汽车工业,同时通过参观艺术博物馆和具有历史意义的遗址体验德国文化.

“这种海外留学经历通过将西班牙文化和政治研究与西班牙全球商业应用相结合,优化了跨学科方法的价值,” Freyn commented. “The next question...where to next?”